These are my coworkers Melissa and Kim. You may have noticed it’s been a few days since I last posted.
This week I have had the opportunity to work ALOT (today, a total of 14 hours), oh, and I have malaria.
Self-diagnosed malaria, that is.
I have a prescription called Malarone (thanks to Margot’s Costco card) that I am supposed to take everyday.
I forgot to take it one day and now I have a cold.
Malaria symptoms are closer to the flu, but I’m certain I have malaria.
I’ve actually heard you can’t come to
India without experiencing malaria, so I’m grateful I’ve got it.
I’m sure you’ve all heard of Bollywood. I’ve watched bits of different Bollywood productions on television, and they are fantastic. In India cinema they are not allowed to kiss on screen, but sporadically breaking into song and dance is absolutely acceptable and expected. Quite often in Salt Lake my Indian coworkers serenaded me with humming and sometimes even a quiet song while sitting at our desks. I’m sure they weren’t aware that they were serenading me, b
ut our desks are so close to one another that I couldn’t help overhear the sweet music. In coming to India I thought I would miss the humming, however I am actually lucky enough now to enjoy it in surround sound. Not only do they hum to themselves, but also to each other. Whether this occurs intentionally or not, I’m not sure, but it’s incredible. I just can’t wait for the day when I’m sitting in the lunch room eating my french toast for breakfast and a young handsome Indian man jumps on a table and sings of his love for the dark locks of his officemate. It will be great. Only in India.
dude, am i the only one keeping up with this blog anymore? your friends are really missing out; that was the funniest entry i've ever read! keep it up...
Thanks Paul. I appreciate your encouragement.
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