I came to India knowing that cows are sacred, but still the sight of a lone bovine grazing on who knows what on the side of 100 Feet Street in Bangalore aroused some level of shock in me today, or was it yesterday, I'm just not sure anymore. The fact that the grazing city cow was an everyday sight to those around me only increased my shock. I didn't sense a threat from the cow, but I ensured to stay on the other side of the street - the threat of rabies lingers in the back of my mind.
My new flat is quite nice. I have two bedrooms and two bathrooms, a living room and a little kitchen. They come to clean twice a day and cook all my meals if I want. I am hoping that the beds are not rock hard like in Taiwan. I haven't overcome my fear of sleeping in an apartment alone yet so I haven't tested the bed out to sleep. It is now 2:30 am and I have to be to work at 5:30. If anyone has any suggestions to help my sleeping issues, please let me know.
Candi--I'm so glad to know you made it and that your blog is up and running. Your flat does look quite nice. I would suggest getting a stuffed animal to help you get through the night. I know it works for me. ;) Lys
Wow! That's awsome, Candice; how long are you planning to be there?
I'm sure one of those cows wouldn't mind having a roof over its head if you wanted it to keep you company at night... ;-)
Or, if the cow is not interested, you could try a body pillow, putting on some music or the tv, or listening to some relaxation tapes...
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